Batman the brave and the bold chill of the night
Batman the brave and the bold chill of the night

batman the brave and the bold chill of the night

Evil Under the Sea! Aquaman: And that's how I recovered the stolen statue. Batman: My only cause is to send you back to the zoo. You battle against the worst of humanity, the vile underbelly that only seeks to destroy. Plastic Man: It's messed up is what it is. Terror on Dinosaur Island! Plastic Man: Are you seeing what I'm seeing? Because I'm seeing gorillas riding pterodactyls, with harpoon guns, stealing a boat. Paco: You just said he has no kryptonite. Poison Ivy has used her mind-control spores on Superman to pit him against Batman. Who knew his wristwatch was equipped with knockout gas? What, like you've never made a mistake, Bats? Batman: Apparently I made one when I thought you could help me stop the Clock King. Season 1 The Rise of the Blue Beetle! Batman: What is this now, the fifth or sixth deathtrap I've been tied up to because of you over the years? Ridiculous! Green Arrow: Hey, I said I was sorry. 5.11 Crisis: 22,300 Miles Above Earth!.5.1 Joker: The Vile and the Villainous.4.25 Bat-Mite Presents: Batman's Strangest Cases!.

batman the brave and the bold chill of the night

4.15 Requiem for a Scarlet Speedster!.1.17 Menace of the Conqueror Caveman!.1.9 Journey to the Center of the Bat!.

Batman the brave and the bold chill of the night